"Attackers Demand $14 Million Ransom From IT Services Firm"

On November 17th Virtual Care Provider Inc., which provides cloud hosting and other services to more than 110 healthcare entities, including nursing homes and assisted living facilities, had been affected by ransomware. The type of ransomware that was used is called Ryuk, and the TrickBot virus was used to spread the ransomware. The adversaries are demanding a 14 million dollar ransom. The attack has affected nearly all of VCPI's core offerings, including internet service, email, access to patient records, client billing, phone systems, and even the firm's payroll operations that serve nearly 150 company employees. Virtual Care Provider Inc., are trying to fix the servers that provide Active Directory access, email, eMAR (electronic medication administration records system), and electronic health records applications first. The reason for the high ransom demand is because the attacker believes that they have Virtual Care Provider Inc. in a situation where they have to pay, or they risk losing their business.  

BankInfoSecurity reports: "Attackers Demand $14 Million Ransom From IT Services Firm"

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