"Should Cybersecurity be Taught in Schools?"

Human behavior is one of the biggest threats when it comes to cybersecurity. The education system teaches children not only with elementary competencies but also equips them with at least some of the skills that they’ll need to navigate their daily lives successfully. In our technology-infused era, it is now argued that also basic cybersecurity skills are among the kinds of skills that help people thrive in life. At the moment, there is a program called Cybersecurity Education Training Assistance Program that is run by the US Department of Homeland Security. The program is equipping teachers with the skills they’ll need to teach cybersecurity in the classroom. There is still a lot that needs to be improved and done to deliver enough knowledge to pupils and students about safe online practices. Through teaching safe online practices, it should decrease the number of successful attacks caused by human error. 

WeLiveSecurity reports: "Should Cybersecurity be Taught in Schools?"


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