"This Tool Predicts Cybercriminal Activity Even Before It Happens"

Group-IB, a Singapore-based cybersecurity company, developed a new tool that can help analysts in security operations centers and computer emergency response teams predict cyberattacks before they occur. The tool is also available to threat intelligence experts and forensic researchers. Clients will be able to use the internal tool for graph network analysis to find connections between scattered data, increasing the speed at which the malicious actor responsible for the launch of a cyberattack is identified. The tool could also be used to analyze and predict threats that could be faced by a specific organization or industry. In addition, the framework of attackers, as well as the tactics they use, can be further examined through the use of this tool. This article continues to discuss the capabilities and design of Group-IB's graph network analysis tool.

CISOMAG reports "This Tool Predicts Cybercriminal Activity Even Before It Happens"

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