"When Rogue Insiders Go to the Dark Web"

Researchers who investigate the Dark Web are seeing an increase in the distribution of stolen company data by rogue employees. Researchers have seen rogue employees selling data stolen from the organizations at which they are employed as well as the access to this data in the underground markets. According to researchers, most of these rogue insiders work for financial and telecommunications companies. Telecommunications employees were found selling sensitive information such as text message logs and geolocation data from SIM cards, which could be used by attackers to harm VIPs or government employees. Rogue financial firm employees have been seen selling customer banking data and information that could be used for insider training. This article continues to discuss the growth in rogue employees inside the Dark Web, what type of stolen information they are selling, the processes of insider recruits in the underground markets, and the threat posed by rogue insiders. 

Dark Reading reports "When Rogue Insiders Go to the Dark Web"

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