"Cybercriminals: Things Are About to Get a Lot More Confusing for You"

Studies conducted by Cleotilde Gonzalez, a professor in Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon and her colleagues, delve deeper into the use of deception in cybersecurity. Using deception in cyber defense operations could help prevent the performance of malicious adversarial activities. Cyber deception reduces the exposure and theft of valuable information. The technique allows defenders to detect, investigate, and lead attackers away from sensitive information when they enter a targeted network or system. Although cyber deception is not a new concept, Gonzalez and her team approach the method through the lens of cognitive science. Their studies propose using defense algorithms that take advantage of attackers' cognitive biases to increase the effectiveness of cyber deception. This article continues to discuss the concept of cyber deception and cognitive science-based strategic techniques that can be used to deceive attackers effectively. 

CyLab reports "Cybercriminals: Things Are About to Get a Lot More Confusing for You"

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