"2020: A Year of Deepfakes and Deep Deception"

In 2019 deepfakes became a major emerging cyber threat. Deepfakes is a machine learning model that can create realistic yet fake or manipulated audio and video. Researchers have mostly thought about Deepfake technology potentially being used to spread misinformation campaigns and cause mass manipulation fueled through social media, especially in the realm of politics. Researchers believe that deepfakes in 2020 are going to be a real threat to organizations. Researchers believe that Deepfakes can supercharge BEC attacks in 2020. Currently, the security industry has no appliances, email filters, or any technology to defend against deepfakes. Researches say the best way for organizations to protect themselves from falling for deepfakes is through the education of employees. 

Help Net Security reports: "2020: A Year of Deepfakes and Deep Deception"




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