"Devices Still Vulnerable to DMA Attacks Despite Protections"

According to the firmware security company, Eclypsium, many devices, including those used in enterprise environments, are still vulnerable to direct memory access (DMA) attacks despite the implementation of protections by hardware and software vendors to thwart these attacks. DMA attacks allow cybercriminals to read and write directly to a targeted computer's main memory through physical access or remote access via malware. Cybercriminals can use DMA attacks to perform malicious activities such as stealing data, circumventing security mechanisms, installing backdoors, and more. This article continues to discuss the concept of a DMA attack, protections that were implemented by both Intel and AMD to prevent such attacks, and discoveries made by Eclypsium researchers that suggest the inadequacy of these protections.

Security Week reports "Devices Still Vulnerable to DMA Attacks Despite Protections"

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