"FBI Director Warns of Sustained Russian Disinformation Threat"

The FBI Director warns that Russia is still spreading disinformation campaigns against the United States. Russia's goal of the foreign influence operations is to spread disinformation, push foreign nations' policy agendas, sow discord, and ultimately undermine confidence in the United States democratic institutions and values. Usually, Russia spreads disinformation about issues that Americans feel passionately about to pit people against each other. Russia targeted election systems across all 50 states before the 2016 elections. The Russian's were able to gain access to some systems, including Illinois, and could alter and delete voter data. There is no evidence that Russia altered or deleted any voter data in 2016. Because of Russia's success in gaining access to voting systems, it has caused some people's confidence in the US elections to weaken. There is no evidence that Russia is targeting the 2020 elections. However, securing election systems in all 50 states is essential to make sure that Russia cannot gain access to the systems again. The spread of disinformation campaigns are currently and will continue to be a big issue in the future and will have to be addressed more in the future.  

Naked Security reports: "FBI Director Warns of Sustained Russian Disinformation Threat"

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