"Quantum Noise Generation Allows For Secure Wireless Transmissions"

Researchers from Tamagawa University in Japan demonstrated a method to secure wireless transmissions, which involves the use of random quantum noise. Although previous studies revealed the effectiveness of using artificial random noise to prevent interference with secure data transmission, this type of noise is not truly random. The researchers will present their method at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC) in March 2020. Their proposed cipher system successfully encrypted and decrypted plain text data in two different ways, while maintaining strong signal quality and protection against transmission interception. As new applications emerge in the era of 5G and 6G, such advancements in security are essential. This article continues to discuss the new cipher system for quantum noise encryption and decryption applications, the research behind this system, and the importance of randomness in cryptography. 

Business Wire reports "Quantum Noise Generation Allows For Secure Wireless Transmissions"


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