"MIT Researchers Identify Security Vulnerabilities in Voting App"

There has been increased interest in using mobile technology and the internet to improve access to voting. However, computer security experts warn of the vulnerability of mobile voting applications to hacking. Researchers at MIT did an analysis of a mobile voting application, called Voatz. They discovered that the app contains several vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers to alter, disrupt, or expose an individual's vote. In addition to the weaknesses found in Voatz's voting process, the researchers found that the app poses a threat to the privacy of users. Voatz uses a third-party vendor for voter ID verification, which can access a voter's photo, driver's license data, and more. The security vulnerabilities were disclosed to the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA). This article continues to discuss the discovery of security flaws in the mobile voting application Voatz, what these vulnerabilities could allow hackers to do, the disclosure of the vulnerabilities to CISA, and why transparency is essential in election administration. 

MIT News report "MIT Researchers Identify Security Vulnerabilities in Voting App"

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