"Can Software Vendors Block a Notorious Criminal Group's Attacks? MITRE Wants to Find Out"

The financially-motivated, advanced persistent (APT) hacking group, FIN7, has stolen an estimate of $1 billion over the years by stealing payment card data from hotels, fast-food restaurants, and other organizations around the world. In recent months, the group has made changes to its hacking tools and techniques, resulting in an increase in data breaches and the pilfering of more money. The US government-funded organization, MITRE, is now trying to decrease FIN7 hacks by assessing software vendors' ability to block attacks similar to that of the FIN7 group. The results of this assessment will be made public, which will pressure vendors to improve their efforts to secure their products against different attack techniques. This article continues to discuss the FIN7 hacking group and MITRE's security validation efforts aimed at decreasing attacks by hacking groups.

CyberScoop reports "Can Software Vendors Block a Notorious Criminal Group's Attacks? MITRE Wants to Find Out"


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