"Researchers Identify Novel Cybersecurity Approach to Protect Army Systems"

Researchers at the U.S. Army's corporate laboratory collaborated with the University of California, Riverside, to develop a new approach called "SymTCP." The novel approach aims to protect Army systems against intrusion by adversaries and the evasion of defenses without requiring significant amounts of manual intervention. According to researchers, the SymTCP approach can be used to identify the strategies applied by attackers to circumvent deep packet inspection in networked systems. Researchers have used the method to identify potential vulnerabilities in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the implementation of TCP. The application of this method will help protect Army networks against future intrusion and evasion tactics as well as inform the design of network infrastructure and cyber defense strategies. This article continues to discuss how the SymTCP approach will help protect Army systems, why this research is crucial, and the objective of the ARL's Cyber Security Collaborative Research Alliance. 

The U.S. Army reports "Researchers Identify Novel Cybersecurity Approach to Protect Army Systems"

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