"Microsoft: How One Emotet Infection Took out This Organization's Entire Network"

An entire business network was taken down by the infamous Emotet banking Trojan. Microsoft released details of the incident, which revealed that the attack was launched when an employee opened a phishing email containing the Emotet Trojan. It was reported that the Emotet infection caused the targeted company's computers and critical systems to shut down. The malware also used compromised computers to execute a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack and flood the company's network with traffic.   This incident highlights why it is important for organizations to filter internal emails and enable multi-factor authentication. This article continues to discuss the shutdown of a business network by an Emotet attack, what Microsoft's DART team did to respond to the incident, and the importance of internal email filters and multi-factor authentication. 

ZDNet reports "Microsoft: How One Emotet Infection Took out This Organization's Entire Network"

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