"Beware of Fake COVID-19-Themed Emails From President Trump"

President Trump is supposed to have a final decision about whether the quarantine will be over by Easter, however malware peddlers have decided that the quarantine will be prolonged until August.  Researchers at Inky, have discovered two phishing emails that are supposedly from the White House and signed by President Trump. Both emails include a link to a compromised website, which is a perfect replica of the real White House Coronavirus Informational site.  The adversaries urge the user to download and pursue a document.  However, when the user clicks to download the document, they are likely infected with a dropper Trojan.  Researchers at Inky have also detected an email that is supposedly from Vice President Mike Pence.  This email is not COVID-19-themed and does not contain a link.  Instead, the email sounds like an extortion attempt in the beginning, though it is likely an advance-fee scam.   

Help Net Security Reports: "Beware of Fake COVID-19-Themed Emails From President Trump"

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