"Automated Tool Can Find 100 Zoom Meeting IDs per Hour"

Security experts developed a tool, called zWarDial, which can find nearly 100 Zoom meeting IDs in an hour. The tool can also conduct scans to gather information about more than 2,000 Zoom meetings in a single day. However, zWarDial can only find meetings that are not password-protected. Zoom claims to enforce passwords for new meetings, instant meetings, and meetings accessed by entering a meeting ID. The fact that researchers were still able to find such a large number of meeting IDs indicates that many Zoom meetings are not password-protected. This article continues to discuss the zWarDial tool used to demonstrate the insecurity of Zoom, Zoom's response to findings made by this tool, the significant rise in Zoom usage during the COVID-19 pandemic, and other problems discovered with the platform. 

The Verge reports "Automated Tool Can Find 100 Zoom Meeting IDs per Hour"


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