"LED Light Control Console Abused to Spew Malware"

Microsoft's security researchers warn of the exploitation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as LED light control consoles to spread malware. The researchers shared details about an incident discovered in Taiwan in which threat actors used these consoles to distribute malware, ransomware, and phishing emails, as well as execute denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks via an IoT botnet. After noticing a significant rise in botnet signals within one month, the researchers mapped more than 400,000 publicly available IPs and narrowed the analysis to 90 suspicious IPs. Further investigation revealed one IP address to be associated with activities pertaining to the launch of malicious attacks. A LED light control console was identified as the source of these attacks. Taiwan's Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB) successfully shut down the IoT device, preventing further distribution of malware. This article continues to discuss the use of LED light control consoles to launch attacks in Taiwan, the investigation of this incident, and the growing abuse of insecure IoT by hackers to perform malicious activities. 

Security Week reports "LED Light Control Console Abused to Spew Malware"

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