"Warning! Fake Zoom “HR Meeting” Emails Phish For Your Password"

Adversaries are sending emails to individuals posing as an HR representative from their place of work.  The email states that if the individual misses this Zoom meeting, which is happening right now, the individual will then lose their job. Once the individual clicks on the link to join the Zoom meeting, it takes the individual to a fake Zoom page.  There it asks the individual to enter their email address and email password.  On the real Zoom page, it asks the individual for their email address and Zoom password, not their email password.  The adversaries hope that the individual will enter their email password, instead of their Zoom password.  If the individual enters their email and email password, then the adversaries can access the individual's email account.  Since most people use their email accounts to conduct password resets for many of their other accounts, gaining access to an individual's email account can be very valuable to the adversaries.

Naked Security reports: "Warning! Fake Zoom “HR Meeting” Emails Phish For Your Password"

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