HotNets 2020: Nineteenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (Online)

Date: Nov 03, 2020 11:00 pm – Nov 06, 2020 11:00 am
Location: Virtual

"HotNets takes a broad view of networking research. This includes new ideas relating to (but not limited to) mobile, wide-area, data-center, home, and enterprise networks using a variety of link technologies (wired, wireless, visual, and acoustic), as well as social networks and network architecture. It encompasses all aspects of networks, including (but not limited to) packet-processing hardware and software, virtualization, mobility, provisioning and resource management, performance, energy consumption, topology, robustness and security, measurement, diagnosis, verification, privacy, economics and evolution, interactions with applications, and usability of underlying networking technologies."

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on