"New Android EventBot Malware Steals Data From Financial Applications"

Security researchers at Cybereason Inc. discovered a new form of Android mobile malware, called "EventBot," which is described to be a mobile banking Trojan and infostealer. EventBot malware steals user data from financial applications such as banking, money services, and cryptocurrency wallets through the abuse of Android's accessibility. The malware can also steal text messages to bypass SMS-based two-factor authentication. According to the researchers, the malware has been distributed via malicious legitimate-looking Android apps. EventBot is said to have the potential to become the next highly-impactful mobile malware as it is constantly evolving, exploits a critical operating system feature, and targets different financial applications, including PayPal, CapitalOne, and Barclays. This article continues to discuss the capabilities, distribution, and targets of the EventBot malware, as well as how consumers can avoid infection by this new malware. 

SiliconANGLE reports "New Android EventBot Malware Steals Data From Financial Applications"

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