"FINRA Warns of Phishing Emails Targeting Members"

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a private organization that helps self-regulate brokerage firms and exchange markets in the U.S., has discovered that there is a widespread, ongoing phishing campaign that is targeting their members.  The phishing emails contain the names of Josh Drobnyk or Bill Wollman, who are vice presidents of FINRA.  The email appears to originate from a domain called "@broker-finra.org," which is not associated with FINRA.  The message has a subject line "Action Required: FINRA Broker Notice for [First Name]."  The phishing email asks the recipients to take immediate action and to open a file, which is a PDF document, according to the alert.  Once the recipient clicks on the attachments, the user is then directed to a website, which asks for a username and password for a SharePoint account, or a Microsoft Office account.  

Data Breach Today reports: "FINRA Warns of Phishing Emails Targeting Members"

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