"Password Psychology: People Aren’t Protecting Themselves Even Though They Know Better"

In a new global survey, researchers polled 3,250 individuals across the United States, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Brazil, and the United Kingdom.  The researchers found that there is a heightened global awareness of what are good security practices, hacking incidents, and data breaches, yet consumer password behaviors remain mostly unchanged.  91 percent of the participants know that using the same password on multiple accounts is a security risk, yet 66 percent still use the same password, which is an increase of 8 percent from 2018. 53 percent of participants reported that they did not change their passwords in the last 12 months.  77 percent of the participants say they feel informed on password best practices, yet only 54 percent of them still try to memorize passwords, and 27 percent write their passwords down somewhere.  80 percent of the participants were concerned with having their passwords compromised, yet 48 percent of them never change their passwords if not required.  

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