"Strained Health Systems Struggle to Keep up With Hackers"

The Intelligence and National Security published a new study conducted by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers at the University of New South Wales that brings further attention to the importance of developing training programs and enforcing stricter regulations to bolster the security of health systems against cyberattacks. Although the study focusses on strengthening the cybersecurity of Australian health systems, it does highlight the rise in vulnerabilities and attacks faced by US healthcare organizations. The researchers cite the use of outdated legacy operating systems, the increasing interconnectivity of health systems, and lack of more stringent patient data protection regulations as some of the reasons behind the growth in attacks against hospitals and public health data. This article continues to discuss important points highlighted by the study regarding the vulnerability of health systems to hacking and how healthcare cybersecurity can be improved.

TechXplore reports "Strained Health Systems Struggle to Keep up With Hackers"

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