"IoT Labels Will Help Consumers Figure out Which Devices Are Spying on Them"

When we want to know how many calories are in a certain portion of food or drink, we look at nutrition labels. However, if we want to know about the security and privacy practices behind a new Internet of Things (IoT) device, this information is not easily found. Therefore, a team of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab developed a prototype security and privacy "nutrition label." The label would provide information such as what type(s) of data the device collects, how long it retains it, how the data is shared, and more. The researchers also developed an IoT label generator for manufacturers to create labels for their devices easily. This article continues to discuss the goal of IoT labels, what information these labels would provide to consumers, the study behind the development of these labels, and the need for transparency in the collection and use of consumer data.  

CyLab reports "IoT Labels Will Help Consumers Figure out Which Devices Are Spying on Them"


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