"Revealed: Advanced Java-Based Ransomware PonyFinal"

Microsoft is warning organizations about new Java-based ransomware, called "PonyFinal." The tech giant considers PonyFinal to be human-operated ransomware because it is not a variant distributed in an automated manner. According to Microsoft's Security Intelligence group, the ransomware can encrypt files at a specific date and time, allowing attackers to choose the most convenient time to deploy the payload. Organizations are encouraged to conduct regular audits of vulnerabilities and ensure that their internet-facing assets, including VPNs and other remote access infrastructure, are kept up-to-date with patches in order to reduce their attack surface. This article continues to discuss the distribution, operation, and capabilities of the PonyFinal ransomware, as well as what organizations should do to prevent such attacks. 

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Revealed: Advanced Java-Based Ransomware PonyFinal"


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