"Honeywell Cybersecurity Research Reveals The Risk Of USB Threats To Industrials Has Doubled Over 12 Months"

A new study conducted by the technology firm Honeywell emphasizes the dangers posed by USB devices to the security of operational technology (OT) systems. The study examined cybersecurity threat data collected from industrial facilities worldwide via Honeywell's Secure Media Exchange (SMX) technology. Findings from the latest Honeywell Industrial USB Threat Report show that the total number of threats posed by USB removable media to industrial process control networks is still high. The number of threats targeting OT systems increased from 16% to 28% over a period of 12 months. The study also pointed out that 1 in 5 threats was designed to leverage USB removable media as an attack vector. This article continues to discuss key findings pertaining to the risk of USB threats to industrial systems. 

PR Newswire reports "Honeywell Cybersecurity Research Reveals The Risk Of USB Threats To Industrials Has Doubled Over 12 Months"

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