"Energy Unveils Blueprint for Nationwide, 'Unhackable' Quantum Internet"

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released a strategic blueprint for constructing a nationwide quantum internet that is impenetrable to hackers. In February, a workshop held by DOE resulted in the plan to develop a prototype that uses quantum mechanics to connect next-generation computers and sensors, as well as strengthen communications security. The DOE's 17 national laboratories will provide the foundation for the system. The quantum internet is expected to build new types of devices consisting of robust applications and communication for national security, medicine, and more. The strategic blueprint explores various hardware and software needed to build the quantum internet, and gives details about the development of quantum networks over time. This article continues to discuss the blueprint for an unhackable quantum internet and other recent advancements toward the development of quantum networks. 

NextGov reports "Energy Unveils Blueprint for Nationwide, 'Unhackable' Quantum Internet"

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