"Your Mobile Location Data Could Pose Security Threats: NSA"

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) released a report on how location data tracked via mobile phones and other connected devices such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, and built-in vehicle communication devices could threaten security. While the guidance provided by the report is intended primarily for the Department of Defense (DoD) and federal agency personnel, it could also be helpful to a wide range of users. The NSA stressed the importance of protecting device geolocation information from adversaries as this type of information could reveal user movements, unknown connections between users and locations, and how many users are in a location. Security measures recommended to mitigate location data risks include disabling location services settings on the device, minimizing the amount of data with location information stored in the cloud, disabling Bluetooth and turning off Wi-Fi if these capabilities are not in use, and more. This article discusses the vulnerability of mobile devices and other connected devices to location tracking risks, and the NSA's suggested strategies for mitigating these risks. 

CISO MAG reports "Your Mobile Location Data Could Pose Security Threats: NSA"







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