"Security Bugs Let These Car Hackers Remotely Control a Mercedes-Benz"

The car security research team from Qihoo 360, called the Sky-Go Team, discovered over a dozen vulnerabilities in a Mercedes-Benz E-Class car by reverse-engineering the car's components using a  testbench they built. According to the researchers, the exploitation of these flaws could allow attackers to open the car's doors and start its engine remotely. As the connectivity of vehicles increases, the more they become vulnerable to being hijacked, manipulated, and disabled by cybercriminals. The existence of vulnerabilities in connected cars creates more opportunities for cybercriminals to perform malicious activities that could impact safety. Katharina Becker, a spokesperson for Mercedes' parent company Daimler, stated that the vulnerabilities found by the team were fixed before any vehicle in the market was impacted. The vulnerabilities could have affected around two million Mercedes-Benz cars in China. This article continues to discuss the discovery of vulnerabilities that could have allowed hackers to control a Mercedes-Benz car remotely and other research that demonstrated the vulnerability of internet-connected vehicles to hacking.

TechCrunch reports "Security Bugs Let These Car Hackers Remotely Control a Mercedes-Benz"

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