"Alexa Vulnerability Is a Reminder to Delete Your Voice History"

A recently fixed vulnerability in Amazon's voice assistant Alexa is a reminder that users should delete their Alexa voice history regularly. The vulnerability discovered by Check Point researchers could have allowed hackers to view a user's voice chat history with the smart speaker. Hackers could have also abused the flaw to install or view skills, which are voice-driven Alexa capabilities. With access to a user's stored conversations from Alexa's history, attackers could gather sensitive information about the user regarding their health, finances, and more. This article continues to discuss the vulnerability that would have exposed a person's conversations with their Alexa device, other issues with Alexa that have been discovered by security researchers, and why smart voice assistants are attractive targets for hackers.

CNET reports "Alexa Vulnerability Is a Reminder to Delete Your Voice History"

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