"Cyber-Criminals Mimicking Global Brand Domain Names to Launch Scams"

According to a new study by Palo Alto Networks, cybercriminals are frequently impersonating global brands through the performance of cyber-squatting to execute phishing attacks and scams aimed at stealing credentials or money. Cyber-squatting refers to the unauthorized registration and use of Internet domain names that are identical or similar to existing brand domain names. The companies impersonated in the top 20 most abused domains in December 2019 include PayPal, Apple, Netflix, and Amazon. Palo Alto Networks' analysis of squatting domains revealed evidence of malware distribution, phishing attack performance, and more. Enterprises are encouraged to block and closely monitor their traffic. Customers should ensure that they type domain names correctly. This article continues to discuss the concept of cyber-squatting, Palo Alto Networks' findings on the continued use of this practice by cybercriminals in the performance of phishing attacks and other various scams, and how to prevent the threat of cyber-squatting.

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Cyber-Criminals Mimicking Global Brand Domain Names to Launch Scams"

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