"Ransomware Attacks Demanding Larger Payouts from Local Governments"

According to a report recently published by the cybersecurity firm BlueVoyant, hackers have increased the amount of money they demand from local governments in ransomware attacks. The average ransom demand has increased from $30,000 in 2017 to $380,000 in 2019, with several ransom demands exceeding $1 million last year. Cybersecurity experts say the demands for larger sums of money from local governments indicate a shift in hacker techniques. Other findings suggest that smaller municipalities are willing to give in to attackers' demands for ransom payments. This article continues to discuss the increase in the average ransom demanded of local governments in a ransomware attack, changes in tactics among hackers, municipalities' decision to pay demanded ransoms, and how local governments could protect themselves. 

NextGov reports "Ransomware Attacks Demanding Larger Payouts from Local Governments"

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