"COVID-19 Sites Plagued with Third-Party Tracking, Posing Privacy Risk"

According to a new study published in JAMA, almost all websites designed to provide information to people regarding COVID-19 symptoms, testing, and prevention contain code that transfers data to third parties, posing a threat to users' privacy. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science found that 95% of the 538 analyzed COVID-19-related websites included a data request from a third-party domain, and 89% had a third-party cookie. This article continues to discuss the study of third-party tracking on sites related to the pandemic, the limitations of this study, and the insufficient privacy and security of most government COVID-19 contact tracing apps across the world. 

HealthITSecurity reports "COVID-19 Sites Plagued with Third-Party Tracking, Posing Privacy Risk"

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