"Hackers Target Fake Corporate Social Responsibility"

A new study conducted by the University of Delaware's John D'Arcy brings further attention to the different motivations that a hacker might have besides financial gain. His research suggests that hackers may be motivated by their disappointment in an organization's fake attempt at being socially responsible. Evidence has shown that not all hackers are motivated by financial gain, but instead, what they dislike. Recent attacks against the World Health Organization (WHO) because of its response to the coronavirus pandemic serve as examples. D'Arcy and his coauthors analyzed a unique dataset of information on data breach incidents, external assessments of organizations' Corporate Social Performance (CSP), and more, to determine whether a firm's CSP contributes to its likelihood of facing a cyberattack that leads to a data breach. This article continues to discuss the results of the study on how a company's corporate social responsibility efforts impact its likelihood of falling victim to a malicious data breach.

The University of Delaware reports "Hackers Target Fake Corporate Social Responsibility"

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