"Modern Attacks Include Supply Chain 'Hopping' and Reversing Agile Environments"

Cybercriminal groups are getting more creative in the execution of attacks against digitally transformed and agile environments, as indicated by a new report by VMware Carbon Black. According to the report, more than 80% of attacks now include cases of counter incident response (IR), which refers to an attacker's move into a destructive attack mode in response to being spotted by the defender. An attacker may respond by dropping wiper malware, launching ransomware, altering time stamps on logs, and more. Organizations are encouraged to make their response and hunting efforts less visible to attackers. There has also been an increase in island hopping, where an attacker uses an organization's network to attack other businesses along the supply chain. This article continues to discuss the increased rates of counter IR, the need to change how IR is conducted, the concept of island hopping, and the growing sophistication of cybercrime groups. 

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Modern Attacks Include Supply Chain 'Hopping' and Reversing Agile Environments"

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