"An Attacker Can Steal Sensitive User Data Over the Phone Using Smart Speakers"

The use of Siri, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and other voice assistants continues to grow in popularity worldwide. These Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents have been adopted by many to help perform tasks in their everyday lives, such as searching for information, sending emails, playing songs, and more. Though there are benefits to using voice assistants, there are many concerns surrounding the privacy and security of these agents as they can be used to collect data for targeted advertising and information from users. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology further highlighted the potential abuse of voice assistants to access users' personal information by demonstrating an attack that exploits the vulnerabilities in these conversational agents. This article continues to discuss the growing use of voice assistants and the attack devised to unveil the vulnerabilities of these agents. 

The Tech and Science Post reports "An Attacker Can Steal Sensitive User Data Over the Phone Using Smart Speakers"

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