HoTSoS 2021: Student Presentation Co-Chairs

Meet the HoTSoS 2021 Team:

Student Presentation Co-Chairs

The HoTSoS Program Committee is happy to have a newly created "Student Presentation Chair" position, and even happier to have Julie Haney (NIST) and Hanan Hibshi (CMU) co-serving!

About the Chairs

Julie Haney is a computer scientist and lead for the Usable Cybersecurity program in the Visualization and Usability Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). She conducts research about human factors of cybersecurity, including the usability and adoption of security solutions and people’s perceptions of privacy and security. Previously she spent over 20 years working in the U.S. Department of Defense as a security professional and technical leader primarily in the cyber defense mission. She has a PhD and M.S. in Human-Centered Computing from University of Maryland, Baltimore County, an M.S. in Computer Science from University of Maryland, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Loyola University Maryland.

Hanan Hibshi is a research and teaching faculty at the Information Networking Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, the academic advisor for the Master of Information Security Program (MSIS) at the Information Networking Institute, and one of the research investigators for the CMUS’ picoCTF educational platform. Hibshi’s research area includes usable security and privacy, cybersecurity education, security requirements, mobile and IoT Security, expert’s decision-making, and ML and AI for security and privacy.

Hibshi received a Ph.D. in societal computing from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. in information security technology and management from the Information Networking Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to her academic career, she had had some experience working in the banking industry.

Hibshi is interested in studying security experts; how to better train experts and how to develop intelligent tools that better accommodate their needs. One example of Hibshi’s research is her early research findings that had attracted the attention of an international, multi-institution collaboration with the University of Nottingham., where she examined the intersection between security requirements risk assessment and empirical data-driven intelligent systems using fuzzy logic.

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