"FBI Warns of DoppelPaymer Attacks on Critical Infrastructure"

The FBI issued a warning to private sector organizations about DoppelPaymer ransomware attacks and the change in techniques used by the operators behind these attacks. DoppelPaymer has affected various industries and targets, demanding the payment of six- to seven-figure ransoms. These attacks have impacted healthcare, emergency, and education services globally. One DoppelPaymer attack that occurred in September 2020 resulted in officials being unable to access a computer-aided dispatch system at a county's emergency call center. DoppelPaymner operators are among the first to follow up on ransomware infections with phone calls to pressure victims into paying the demanded ransoms. In addition to threats of leaking or selling the victim's corporate data, an operator threatened to send someone to an employee's home. This article continues to discuss the FBI's warning about the DoppelPaymer attacks and the operator's cold-calling approach to pressuring victims into paying ransoms.

Dark Reading reports "FBI Warns of DoppelPaymer Attacks on Critical Infrastructure"

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