"Illinois Court Exposes More Than 323,000 Sensitive Records"

WebsitePlanet researchers and a security researcher named Jeremiah Fowler discovered an unsecured Elasticsearch server containing more than 323,000 Cook County, Illinois, court-related related records. Cook County is the second-most-populous county in the US. According to the researchers, the records contained personally identifiable information (PII), including full names, home addresses, email addresses, and course case numbers, in addition to notes on case statuses. The data was in plaintext without password protection. The researchers warn that the information exposed by the inadequately secured database could allow threat actors to launch various types of attacks such as identity theft and blackmail. This article continues to discuss the discovery and potential impact of this exposure of over 323,000 sensitive court-record records. 

Security Week reports "Illinois Court Exposes More Than 323,000 Sensitive Records"


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