"North Korean Hackers Tried to Steal Pfizer Vaccine Know-How, Lawmaker Says"

South Korea’s intelligence agency has discovered that North Korea attempted to steal information on coronavirus vaccines and treatments by hacking Pfizer Inc.  The agency did not elaborate on the timing or success of the attempt.  Tuesday’s news comes after attempts last year by suspected North Korean hackers to break into the systems of at least nine healthcare firms, such as Johnson & Johnson, Novavax Inc, and AstraZeneca.  North Korea is often accused of turning to an army of hackers to fill its cash-strapped coffers amid international sanctions that ban most international trade.  Health experts have said the North’s hackers may be more interested in selling the stolen data than using it to develop a homegrown vaccine.

Reuters reports: "North Korean Hackers Tried to Steal Pfizer Vaccine Know-How, Lawmaker Says"

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