"Daycare Webcam Service Exposes 12,000 User Accounts"

NurseryCam, a webcam service used across 40 daycare centers in the U.K. by parents who want to keep a watchful eye on their babies, has shut down following a data breach. The breach exposed the personal data of about 12,000 users to an attacker who said they were trying to improve the service’s security.  The adversary notified the company on Friday, and the company sent a notice to its users about the incident.  The adversary behind the attack told the company that they could get real names, usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords for 12,000 accounts.  This latest incident comes after users, and infosec professionals gave the company repeated warnings that their internet-of-things (IoT) system’s security was deeply flawed.  

Threatpost reports: "Daycare Webcam Service Exposes 12,000 User Accounts"

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