"Go Malware Detections Increase 2000%"

Researchers at an Israeli security firm Intezer have found that new malware written in the Go programming language has spiked by 2000% over the past four years.  Go programming language is sometimes referred to as Golang and was first used for malware around nine years ago. Many adversaries choose to use the Go language to create malware because it works across Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems and is relatively challenging for researchers to reverse engineer.  Go was used by Russian state-backed actors to target Eastern European countries with a variant of the Zebrocy malware last year. Kremlin hackers have also used the language to develop the WellMess malware, which targeted COVID-19 vaccine researchers in the UK, Canada, and the US.  The researchers stated that traditional anti-virus programs have a hard time identifying Go malware.

Infosecurity reports: "Go Malware Detections Increase 2000%"

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