"DARPA Ramps-Up FHE Encryption Project with Intel"

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced four new research teams, one of which is led by Intel. The goal of the groups is to make Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) practical. FHE is an encryption scheme that would enable the computation and analysis of encrypted data without having to decrypt it, further enhancing data privacy and scientific discovery using such data. FHE has been considered impractical due to its significant drain on computing power and slow processing time. DARPA hopes to build a hardware accelerator as part of its Data Protection in Virtual Environments (DPRIVE) program to speed up FHE calculations drastically. The research teams selected for the DPRIVE program will be led by Intel Federal, Duality Technologies, Galois, and SRI International. Each team will create an FHE hardware accelerator and software stack capable of processing FHE calculations at a speed similar to that of unencrypted data operations. This article continues to discuss the concept of FHE, challenges associated with making FHE practical, and DARPA's efforts to accelerate the use of FHE. 

Infosecurity Magazine reports "DARPA Ramps-Up FHE Encryption Project with Intel"


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