"Two R&D Projects to Enhance Mobile Network Traffic Security"

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) jointly announced the final two research and development (R&D) awards for the Secure and Resilient Mobile Network Infrastructure (SRMNI) project. The project, managed by S&T's Mobile Security and Emergency Communications R&D program, aims to address CISA's top mobile-focused priorities, which are to secure the information and communications technology (ICT) supply chain and critical mobile network infrastructure, including 5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology. William N. Bryan, the S&T Acting Under Secretary, stresses that the security of mobile devices and enterprise networks is critical to the federal workforce's capability to perform government business functions securely. The S&T-led R&D projects will support the development of innovative solutions for analyzing mobile network traffic, improving the protection of government-provided mobile devices, and strengthening the security of enterprise networks. The new SRMNI projects awards focus on the development of solutions to improving the government's ability to identify malware, attacks, and more, in mobile device network traffic. GuidePoint Security will receive $915,000 for its Mobile Network Traffic Visibility for the Enterprise project. AppCensus, Inc. will receive $1.2 million for its Mobile Traffic Intelligence at Scale project. This article continues to discuss the SRMNI project, the two R&D awards announced for the project, and the earlier round of seven SRMNI R&D projects.

Homeland Security News Wire reports "Two R&D Projects to Enhance Mobile Network Traffic Security"



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