"IBM Announces Cloud Marketplace For Secure Chip Design"

IBM has announced the establishment of a cloud marketplace that was built as part of an initiative for securely developing dual-use microelectronics for the commercial industry and the Department of Defense (DoD). The Marketplace for Advanced, Rapid, Quantifiably-assured, Trusted Semiconductors (MARQTS), supports the DoD initiative geared towards advancing design methods with measurable security. The MARQTS has been announced amid growing concerns surrounding the microelectronics supply chain. Last week, the House Armed Services Committee announced the development of a new bipartisan task force that will explore and identify vulnerabilities and threats facing the defense supply chain. The co-chairs of the task force highlighted chips as a significant supply chain vulnerability. This article continues to discuss the goal, creation, and future of the MARQTS, as well as other efforts to bolster supply chain security. 

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