"Wormable Netflix Malware Spreads Via WhatsApp Messages"
Security researchers at Check Point discovered new malware disguised as a Netflix application, designed to spread worm-like via victims’ WhatsApp messages. The malware is contained in an application on the Google Play Store called ‘FlixOnline.’ The application was designed to attract Android users by promising unlimited entertainment from anywhere in the world, using the Netflix logo to add legitimacy. Once a victim installs the application, the malware will change permissions on their device to enable automatic responses to new WhatsApp notifications. Then it will send an automated reply to every message that user receives, encouraging them to visit a fake Netflix site designed to phish for log-ins and credit card details. The WhatsApp message itself promises the recipient two months of Netflix Premium free of charge if the victim clicks on the malicious link. So far, the FlixOnline app had only been downloaded around 500 times before Google removed it after being notified by Check Point. Unfortunately, the researchers claim that the malware is likely to return in another guise. The researchers warn users to be wary of download links or attachments that they receive via WhatsApp or other messaging apps, even when they appear to come from trusted contacts or messaging groups.
Infosecurity reports: "Wormable Netflix Malware Spreads Via WhatsApp Messages"