"The Riskiest Smart City Technologies"

A new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that smart traffic signals, surveillance systems, and emergency alerts are the riskiest smart city technology solutions. The researchers surveyed 76 cybersecurity experts, asking them to rank nine smart city technologies based on technical vulnerability, how attractive they are to nation-state attackers, and the potential impact of a successful attack. The results of the survey emphasize that not all smart city technologies pose the same risks. Therefore, local officials should consider if cyber risks outweigh the potential gains of adopting smart city technology on a case-by-case basis. They should also take caution when these technologies are vulnerable and are considered attractive targets for hackers, as the impact of an attack could pose a significant danger. For example, if hackers were to tamper with traffic lights, they could cause collisions and gridlock, thus potentially hindering emergency services. This article continues to discuss key findings from the study regarding the most vulnerable smart city technologies and the importance of strengthening the security of city infrastructure against cyberattacks. 

GCN reports "The Riskiest Smart City Technologies"

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