"Watch A Tesla Have Its Doors Hacked Open By A Drone"

Ralf-Philipp Weinmann, CEO of Kunnamon, and Benedikt Schmotzle of Comsecuris demonstrated the use of a drone carrying a Wi-Fi dongle to hack and open a Tesla's doors remotely. The remote hack requires no interaction from anyone inside the car. According to the researchers, their hack could lead to the compromise of parked cars and the hijacking of their infotainment systems over Wi-Fi. Using the TBONE hack, an attacker could unlock the doors and trunk, change steering and acceleration modes, and more. The researchers' attacks targeted a component called ConnMan, which can be accessed over Wi-Fi and used to manage network connections. ConnMan contains two flaws that allowed them to run commands on the Tesla's infotainment system. The vulnerable ConnMan component is also used in other cars. This article continues to discuss the demonstrated drone hack of a Tesla and other studies in which Tesla has been the target of cybersecurity researchers' hacks. 

Forbes report "Watch A Tesla Have Its Doors Hacked Open By A Drone"



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