"Chinese Phishing Attack Targets High-Profile Uyghurs"

At Check Point and Kaspersky, security researchers have discovered a new Chinese phishing campaign targeting the ethnic minority Uyghur group with emails impersonating the United Nations, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and a fake human rights organization called TCAHF. The researchers stated that these attacks clearly utilize the theme of the UNHRC to trick its targets into downloading malicious malware. The researchers believe that these cyberattacks are motivated by espionage, with the end-game of the operation being the installation of a backdoor into the computers of high-profile targets in the Uyghur community. The researchers also stated that the attacks are designed to fingerprint infected devices, including all of its running programs. These attacks are ongoing, and new infrastructure is being created for what looks like future attacks.


Infosecurity reports: "Chinese Phishing Attack Targets High-Profile Uyghurs"

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