"Vendor for House Offices Hit With Ransomware Attack"

A private company that provides constituent services to congressional and state government offices has suffered a ransomware attack. The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the U.S. House released a statement confirming it was notified by the company iConstituent that its e-newsletter system experienced a ransomware attack. Currently, the CAO is unaware of any impact on House data. The CAO is coordinating with those offices impacted by the incident and has taken steps to ensure that the attack does not affect the House network and offices' data. iConstituent's website offers different tools that could help federal, state, and local government officials communicate with constituents. These tools include a system that supports the creation and distribution of digital newsletters and a platform for collaborating with constituents. iConstituent's list of clients consists of Hawaii, Georgia, Illinois, Los Angeles, the New York State Assembly, Congress, and more. This article continues to discuss the ransomware attack against the U.S. House tech vendor iConstituent, the response to this attack, and other recent cyberattacks that have impacted the nation's critical infrastructure. 

CBS News reports "Vendor for House Offices Hit With Ransomware Attack"


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