"Mystery Malware Steals 26M Passwords from Millions of PCs"

Researchers with NordLocker have discovered a 1.2-terabyte batch of data containing 26 million sets of login credentials, 1.1 million unique email addresses, over 2 billion browser cookies, and 6.6 million files. The massive trove of sensitive data also included more than 1 million images and over 650,000 Word and PDF files. This data was extracted by malware, which the researchers have not yet identified. According to the researchers, the malware took a screenshot after it infected a computer and took a picture using the computer's webcam. The data was also stolen from messaging, email, gaming, and file-sharing apps. They found that the data was collected from over 3 million PCs between 2018 and 2020. This collection of data could be used to perform ransomware attacks, conduct espionage, and more. This article continues to discuss the sensitive information contained by the 1.2-terabyte database, the extraction of the data using malware, and the malicious activities that attackers could perform with this data. 

Ars Technica reports "Mystery Malware Steals 26M Passwords from Millions of PCs"

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